Adult Extended Residential Care

Adult Residential Extended Care

The Carl and Margaret Stutsman Lodge programs are RICCA’s state licensed Level 3.1 Residential Extended Care treatment facility for men and women with Substance Use Disorders. This treatment facility takes pride in compassionate care by licensed clinical staff that works with clients towards their goal of reentering into society while remaining in recovery.

We provide treatment services that help guide clients on their journey to maintain recovery and prepare them to move toward an independent setting with a healthier lifestyle. We work together to promote learning life skills, secure gainful employment, and reduce recidivism rates to promote a healthier lifestyle through recovery. Clients work with staff in individual and group counseling settings using Evidence Based treatment and relapse prevention skills combined with Twelve Step philosophies to meet each individual client needs.

The Margaret Stutsman Lodge program for women is currently undergoing renovation. Due to this, we are not accepting female clients in our residential program.

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